Many people buy honey for the home in large quantities or some already have honey and give you honey as a gift.. So there is a way to keep it unchanged.
If you have a quantity of honey at home and you don't want it to crystallize, here's what to do.
Keep in a jar (1/2 - 1 kg) honey until you consume it in a short period of time and place the rest in the freezer. Honey in the freezer remains fresh and exactly as the bees produce it without altering its nutrients at all. Defrosting does not affect it.
If you have a quantity of honey at home and you don't want it to crystallize, here's what to do.
Keep in a jar (1/2 - 1 kg) honey until you consume it in a short period of time and place the rest in the freezer. Honey in the freezer remains fresh and exactly as the bees produce it without altering its nutrients at all. Defrosting does not affect it.